Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hmmm...What Shall I Give Up?

Okay, well it's that time again. Lent, that is. Or Mardi Gras season. Or Crawfish season. Oh, crawfish....Yum. Yum. Okay, back on track. So I have to give up something. This is always so hard for me. I mean, I am awful! I used to give up chips and salsa because I am just flat out addicted. I have one and it's all over. I can't stop. Must. Take. Chip. Basket. Away! But seeing as how we don't eat at many Mexican restaurants anymore, that would just be way too easy. Not even I can cop out like that! So, what shall it be? This is rough.
I thought I would give up caffeine. But that thought made me laugh. Hahaha...who am I kidding. No coffee in the morning? I think not! The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup. Right?!?
So, for about a millisecond, I thought about the computer. Whateva. Moving on.
Pizza. Possibly. But I love, love making homemade pizza. Next.
Sweets. This I should just do period!
Wine? We drink wine in church. Surely they wouldn't expect me to give this up. That would just be a sin in itself.
Final decision? I've decided to give back for one. I'm doing a walk for babies in April and I'm so excited about it. My mom and Michael have joined my 'team' and we are all going to be doing this together. Honestly, I didn't realize raising money would be so difficult. I think anything will help and I'm hoping I can get closer to my goal. If you would like to help us out, please visit:
No meat on Friday. I'm going old school.
I'm going to ATTEMPT no caffeine expect for my morning coffee. So no occasional Diet Coke. Argh!
What are you giving up? Anything? I should probably give up more, but I figured this is a good start! Maybe I should have added that I'm Catholic.


Shell said...

We don't do this in church I've ever gone to. Though, I should give up sweets, just because!

Good luck!

Lothiriel said...

Most people give up meat in my family. I'm with ya, on the coffee! I can't do it! Well, no, I take that back. I gave it up completely when I was prego. It had taken me almost 5 years to finally conceive that I was afraid of losing her, so I was VERY careful on what I consumed, even after the doctor had given me the green light with just a glass of red wine or just one cup of coffee per day.

I guess I can't do it, but I won't. I NEED my coffee.

Heidi said...

I am giving up sweets. I was practically stalking the Girl Scouts in the neighborhood, so I could at least a few boxes, er, I mean cookies, before Lent started. :) I thought about the computer and wine, too, but then thought better of it - I didn't say I wanted to give up my sanity! And, I joined a Bible study that my church formed for the Lenten season that will interfere with my book club in February and March, but it's all about the sacrifice, right?!

Good luck with the walk! I ran the Chicago marathon as a charity runner for Girls on the Run, and it was difficult to reach my goal. Keep us updated!

Danielle said...

I am with ya on the coffee. That would be too hard. I what you are giving up is good. Good luck to you.

Daisygirl said...

tough!!! I don't go to church anymore although when people ask what religion I belong to I say Catholic because I was baptized. Giving up coffee would be hard for me too, but I think I could give up pizza for 40 days!

~ Noelle said...

Good luck with this! I wish I could give up sweets... but I love it too much!

LisaDay said...

I like that you are giving something, which is more important I think then giving something up.

Good luck reaching your goal.

And time does go fast. Enjoy your little one. Mine just turned 16 months yesterday.

There is an award waiting for you at my blog.
