If you could do anything, absolutely anything your way for Mother's Day, what would you do? This year will be my very first Mother's Day and I have to say that I am actually quite excited about it. Now, I realize that when I wake up in the morning, fireworks won't be flying across the room (hello, fire hazard) or that Davis won't be bringing me breakfast in bed, (yeah, the kid can't walk yet) or even the dog bringing me the paper in. (We don't subscribe to the paper and we can even teach our dog to roll over) But I am excited because I am a MOM!!! This is the best, most rewarding job I have ever had. Some days are just glorious, perfect days where I can sit and relax and sip on a cup of tea or glass of wine, and ponder on all the amazing aspects of motherhood. Other days....well, let's not go there because this is a happy post.
I would love to sleep in. The thought of sleeping in sounds magical. Davis does wonderful on the whole sleep aspect and sleeps until 8am, so I am not sleep deprived or anything, I just want to sleep. Maybe even lay in bed and be lazy, drinking a cup of coffee. That would be amazing!
Not waiting on anyone for the weekend. Okay, fine, just the day will do. I don't want to fold laundry (have I mentioned I HATE laundry)
I have been dreaming of a day of pampering. Just a day to myself where someone would take care of me and I wouldn't have to lift a finger. I practically drool on myself just thinking about being at a spa for a day. My wish came true and I honestly cried when I got the news. Michael shocked me to the point where I was almost on the floor in tears because I was so excited. For Mother's Day, I am getting a full day at the spa. The works, baby. Manicure, Pedicure, Facial, Massage, and lunch. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz (that's me sleeping)
What would your absolute perfect day be? A maid? Beautiful jewelry? Spa day? A day of solitude? Sometimes a day sitting in a room by myself sounds amazing. But then the thought of no one there besides me may actually put me in a padded room. Spending time with your family? As much as I love them, Mama could use a break! Sipping cocktails near the ocean? If you live near the ocean, please keep this one to yourself!
Happy Early Mother's Day, Everyone!
1 comment:
Happy first Mother's Day. I am so excited for you. What a wonderful day planned. Enjoy every minute.
I live by the lake and it's wonderful. My day is spending it with my little guy and my family. It would be great if I didn't have to drive a hour and a half to see them but they are worth it.
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