Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Of Those Days....

Yes, one of THOSE days. And I mean a day that was so great, it overrides all of the bad days. A day that my little guy was so good, and in such a wonderful mood, I wanted to call the radio stations and make an announcement. Stop the press, people! Davis is having an amazing day! Now, I'm not saying this never happens, but for those of you that read my blog on a regular basis, you know that things can be a little tiring with his whole separation anxiety at times. Shall I say good times? Oh, yes! So that's why days like yesterday, I feel like I need to celebrate. It wasn't just an hour, or half the day, it was the entire day of him being an angel!

We started the day off and had breakfast together. I am pretty sure the Davis is still allergic to eggs, so he only eats the yolk. (This doesn't affect him, only the egg white) That boy chowed down! I swear, you would think I never feed him!

He must have been saving some for later, you think?!

Davis looooves to read books. I can read him 8 books in a row, and then still have to read his favorite 3 more times. So now his favorite thing lately is to 'read' to me. It has to be the cutest thing ever. He will grab a book, turn the pages, and babble along like he's reading. He will even laugh like he just read a funny part out loud. It's so adorable. I wish I had it on video, because he does this almost everyday, and his daddy still hasn't seen it yet.

This is a good part, mom!

We also went to the splash pad and played around for a little bit. Since school has started, we had the park almost all to ourselves.

So, not everyday is a bad day, but when amazing days happen like yesterday, it sure trumps all of the not so good ones!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Don't forget about my Mimi Marie Clutch giveaway!!


Not Everyones Mama said...

Aw! Those pics are so cute! That's awesome that you guys had such a wonderful day!

I'm like him in that I'm allergic to egg whites. Positive side is that even though it still comes up positive as an allergy when they do the test on my back, I'm able to eat them now and they don't bother me at all. I think with me my mom didn't realize that I was allergic to them until later and fed them to me. LOL I built up something so that I don't have a reaction anymore. I'm reading i studies that some doctors are doing the same with peanut allergies, giving an itty bitty amount to start building up an immunity to them, so to speak.

Type a book! Sorry! Stopping by from SITS!

Have another wonderful day!

Sherri said...

Those days are like gold, baby! Store up those memories for the days that just.don't.go.well.

He's SO adorable!!

Kimberly said...

Love pics of him reading!! so cute!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Aw, this all put a smile on my face! The reading pics are my fave too.

Beth said...

Bloggy award for you!

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

The reading pics are adorable!! Glad you had a GREAT day!