As far as sleep habits go, Davis is still sleeping from 8 at night until 8 in the morning. We have just recently dropped his morning nap from 10-12 and he is down to a longer nap in the afternoon from 2-5. Honestly, I was so nervous about the new nap schedule that I was beside myself. My God, what am I going to do with this child all morning long? I thought the same thing with every other transition that I have come across with him. I didn't know how he was going to react and how well it was going to go over. So far, so good. Now, not everyday is all peachy. Take today for instance. That poor boy was about to see me run in the back screaming this morning because HE wouldn't stop screaming this morning. Davis is suffering from the worst case of allergies right now that he just sounds awful. So I am enjoying wonderful tantrums and fits of him being uncomfortable due to the snot running to his feet and sounding like an old man with emphysema. So today, I put him down at 10 and am going to let him take a little cat nap. My poor thing was so tired, he ran into a wall because he had his eyes closed. So who am I to argue with a screaming child that is sick? Down to bed you go! On a normal day however, we have still been enjoying the same sleep schedule as we have for about a year now. Ahhhh...peach and quiet!
Then there is food. If you have been reading my blog, you know that Davis eats as much as a high school football player. I went grocery shopping with my sister yesterday, and was envious of how little she spent at the store. She looked at me and said, "But Jess, you have a family" True, but when I hear the world family, I think of multiple children. Umm...I have one CHILD! And a toddler, at that! I started Davis at a mother's day out program last week and his teacher laughed and said,'wow, he really likes to eat.' I'm afraid that school may start charging me more because he eats so much! Even had seconds of peas! PEAS! YUCK!
Speaking of the mother's day out program. Davis loves it! He has been in such a fantastic mood, (minus today) since he has started. Right now, he only goes one day a week, but may start going twice a week in a month or so. It has worked out perfect for me! Last week, I was able to work at an event for stella & dot while he was in school. I can't tell you how liberating that felt. Yesterday, I actually went grocery shopping for the first time without him in so long. I am that crazy person that loves grocery shopping! I mean, I love it! I love checking out new food and comparing prices, and as you know that is hard with a little one!
(He is also a serious shopper)
Full steam ahead! He is practically in a full sprint around the house! Do they have toddler olympics? He loves chasing our dog around the house! It is the cutest thing ever. I find the two of them laying on the floor together, in the dark by my bed. It is precious!
Have a great day, everyone!
1 comment:
OMG i love it! he's sooo adorable and that little cart is the cutest!
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