Friday, July 10, 2009

Taking Notes

Michael and I recently went to a friends birthday party for their little boy, who was turning the big 2. It was so cute to see of the little kids running around in their swimsuits and splashing around in the water. It really got us so excited and couldn't help but start talking about Davis' birthday parties, like we would be planning them soon or something. But it was still fun to talk about. I couldn't help but to notice some of the ways the parents disciplined their children. Or I guess I should say, didn't discipline their children. I was trying very hard to keep my mouth glued shut instead of dropping wide open like it wanted to. The kids had a big beach ball pinata that they broke into towards the end of the party and had a little pail to put their candy in and take home with them. Of course, most of the kids wanted to bust into the candy right away and start eating it...who wouldn't, right!?! MOST of the parents gave their child a few pieces each and said enough, you can have some more later. Mind you, the kids hadn't even had the dessert yet. This one parent there got mannnnnnyy looks from the other parents. I swear, what are some people thinking? She was one of those that would rather give in to the kid to avoid crying no matter the situation than discipline the child. So when Little Johnny wanted more candy and wasn't ready to give it up, he threw a huge fit. And I mean a huge tantrum right in the middle of the floor while the birthday boy was trying to open his presents. All of the other parents were just staring with the look of, 'really? get the kid under control, lady!!' So, she gives Little Johnny the entire pail of candy and calmly says, "here you go, sweetie!" Oh. My. Goodness! Gag me! Instead of having cake, there was a ice cream sunday station set up with all sorts of toppings. Little Johnny didn't get enough gummy worms after he ate his entire bowl of ice cream. He's kicking and screaming, throwing a huge fit all over again. Mom solves the issue by setting the son on the floor, grabbing the huge bowl of gummy worms, and placing them right next to the son. Never mind that some people hadn't gotten ice cream yet and may actually want some gummy worms. I couldn't help but stare in shock at this woman, amazed at how she was handling things. Some people never cease to amaze me. At all! There are a lot of things I know I have yet to learn, but then again, I'm not one to be a complete pushover either. Hopefully it doesn't change after I have a child. For some reason, I think it's pretty safe to say that I won't. If I'm anything like my mother, which I think I've turned into my mother, then I don't think I have anything to worry about. She can give the death stare and you stop whatever you are doing.

I know some people handle situations completely different than others and I don't know yet since I don't have children. My friend had told me about this woman before the party and how her parenting skills are atrocious. Little Johnny apparently doesn't share and hits all of the time, while mom just sits back and watch. I know I'm not going to be a perfect parent by any means, but I'm hoping I won't get the label of THAT PARENT. Of course, I'm sure you can't avoid the situations all the time, as long as they don't happen constantly. Crossing my fingers**


thatdesigngal said...

It is scary what parents let slide. I always think lets put 30 of those children in a room together and think that one teacher can handle all of them. Seriously!

Thanks for stopping by, have a great day, and please stop by anytime!!


Ashley said...

I'm sure you won't be like that! I think that people who are don't even KNOW they are and are totally unaware of what it's actually doing (and going to do) to the child. You're totally aware, so you'll be fine!

When I first started reading, though, I will admit I thought a little differently.. I think people always think they will be more strict than they actually are when they have children.. HOWEVER, that was totally out of control behavior and it sounds like Mom is like that 24/7 so that's definitely not good!

Kari said...

Okay, so I stopped by here after you left a comment on my blog today and I'm falling asleep, but I can't stop reading your blogs. I'm sleep reading - but I love your posts! Liked your belly shots at 30 weeks. I just posted my belly shots from baby #1 on Wednesday:
You look great! How exciting that August is just around the corner :o) Will be back around to see what's going on!

Kari said...

ps...I'm not falling asleep because of your blogs, I'm falling asleep because I'm exhausted from my daughter's 4th b-day party tonight. Thought I should clarify :o)

Marisa and John said...

Awesome post!! This is one of the things that drives me crazy. The worst part is that the parents are to blame and the children are the ones who suffer because of the lack of structure and discipline.

Kelly said...

You are getting so close. I had my son at 34 weeks and my daughter at 36. It will be here before you know it. :) Good luck!!

The Redhead Riter said...

Stopping by from SITS and thought I would say Hi!

Just don't forget this with your children (wink)

Ronnica said...

It really bugs me when I see things like that. I mean, I'm not expecting parents to be perfect nor do things as I would do them (and who says I'm right). I never say anything, though, because I'm not a parent myself, though I do work with children.