Monday, October 5, 2009

Quick Post....

Davis will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Where is the time going? I're thinking it's only been 7 weeks. He's just getting so big already it's kind of sad. He's outgrowing his newborn clothes now and moving on to the bigger ones. Tear, tear. His colic his pretty much under control now. For the most part. Yesterday was a different story, but not everyday is great. Of course. The drops the doctor gave us are really working well and I am so glad that we have them! Davis is starting to talk to us more and more. I love it when he smiles and just wish that he would do it more often. He has a little dimple in one of his cheeks that is just toooo cute. I love it. He is absolutely in love with lights and mirrors. Yes, my baby loves to look at himself. During bath time, he just stares into my vanity mirror with the light turned on and sometimes smiles at himself. It is adorable. We also bought him a mirror for his crib/tummy time that he really seems to enjoy. Hey, whatever works! He also loves being in public. That baby will be stone cold passed out even with music blaring in the background. Nothing phases him. It's so weird. We went to a wine bar with friends and their baby this past weekend where they had acoustic playing. Nothing. He was OUT! But of course, being at home is different. It's quieter here and I swear he hates it. Sorry, kid!
We are still following Baby Wise and I feel like it's going pretty good. For anyone that has used this before, you know what I'm talking about. I love it. But when he gets off his schedule it really stresses me out and Davis doesn't do well with it either. He's doing much better during the night, but I still wish he would sleep for longer periods of time. He usually wakes up between 2-3 for diaper change and feeding. Davis is like a faucet! It's like he's an old man and pees every 5 minutes, no joke! But like clockwork, same thing every night. He sometimes wakes up at 6am, but I make him sleep another hour and feed him around 7. I'm happy though that he only wakes up one time during the night. I guess it could be worse like at the beginning. I was ready to take my head off!

But I love seeing him do new things. He's supporting his head really well now. He can pretty much sit in his Bumbo seat with no help. The smiles are my favorite


Annie said...

it goes so fast doesnt it?!?
my Blake LOVES to look at himself in the mirror...he just started kissing himself ever time he sees his reflection in the mirror now....too funny!

Lea Liz said...

I know exactly how fast it goes and it seems to only go faster.... That is a great picture of the two of you :) Glad he is doing good!!!

Michele H. said...

Hi. I too have a new baby boy, six weeks old. Wondering what the wonder drops are your doc prescribed? I am using Mylicon, but that doesn't always cut it. Love reading the blog as I can completely relate right now. Also glad Baby Wise is working for you. I am trying to implement the Baby Wise schedule, but was hard at week 3 and now have veered a bit.

The Little Miss said...

hes sooooooo cute and so small
