Monday, December 27, 2010

Santa Came

Although I don't have but a few pictures from Christmas this year, it has to be one of my favorites yet! Seeing Davis' eyes light up when he would stare at all of the lights on the tree was just adorable. Tapping all the ornaments, but not taking any of them off, observing them just hanging on the beautiful limb. Watching him explore all the Christmas goodies. The presents, the train under the tree, even all of the little Santa Claus' that were lined up on the stair case. He didn't touch much, just observed with curious wonder. Being at my dad's house for Christmas was perfect for us seeing as how we are STILL in the hotel. Our normal traditions that Michael and I like to do got put on hold this year, due to not being at our house for the past TWO MONTHS. Like Christmas cards, for instance. We always sends cards to everyone and this year, that unfortunately got put on the back burner. With our entire house sitting on an 18 wheeler as I type, this are a little stressful to say the least. But that didn't stop us, though. We still made my grandmother's famous spritz cookies which we all loved as kids. The little trees, wreaths, and stars sprinkled with red and green that of course you eat more of since they are so small. I still have my Mimi's cookies gun that she used when she made them every year. Biting into those tiny little cookies always makes me think of her.
This year seemed like the first Christmas that we can remember that was laid back and not rushed. We had such a great time just relaxing and playing games together. We played Taboo and had the best time, laughing in the kitchen.
Here's Michael trying to give clues and of course the girl won! All I have to say is that he is special.

But my favorite has to be watching my little man. Of course, as usual, he wasn't interested in opening the presents, but the boxes that they came in.
He got these new slippers for Christmas and could care less about the new things that were on his feet, but the paper that was wedged inside of them. My little 16 month old is in full force of discovery and mischief these days. Getting into everything and challening us and himself as he is trying to bolt up my dad's staircase. We can't block it off fast enough before he has become Superbaby and is half way up the. And speaking of Superbaby, he is becoming warp speed flying around everywhere. We let him walk around the halls in the hotel and now he is at a slow jog. Davis found a orange on Christmas day and decided to take a bite.
Bitter. Tangy. Hmm...different. But he kept on eating.
So as 2010 comes to an end, this year has been beyond amazing. I am ready for a new and amazing year, to learn and grow with my beautiful family. And as things settle down, I will have more of a normal routine going on and actually be able to blog :)
Hope each and every one of you had a very blessed and joyous holiday with your family and loved ones.


Moments and Impressions said...

I am so impressed how you have lived 2 months in a hotel and have survived to tell about it. It looks like a wonderful Christmas.

Shell said...

Glad you had a merry Christmas!

Lift Like A Mom said...

Haha :) I'll buy a family trophy. We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Very blessed!

Sandra said...

Great post Jessica! Sounds like it was a terrific Christmas. Your little man is as edible as that mandarine orange he was nibbling on.