Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Grant Me The Serenity....

Davis has been sooo very fussy lately and I've been at my wits end. It breaks my heart to heart him cry like that. He just sounds like he is in pain and that maybe his little tummy is hurting him. At times, it makes me want to cry. I try putting him in his crib and let him cry for a little bit, but it keeps going. And going. And going. We bought some mylecon and I really can't even tell if they work or not. I was finally able to go to the doctor today and yes, he has colic. This is so frustrating! The doctor said the good thing is it usually lasts for only 4 months. That's a good thing? Great. So I have 3 more months of screaming to deal with. Am I ever going to catch up on sleep? I think not at this point. My mom said that I had colic for close to a year. Am I being punished for being such an awful baby? Haha. Okay, I know the answer to that, but I can't help but think that. I was really just hoping that Davis had a severe stomach ache or just really bad gas or something. Lord have mercy!

Of course, whenever Michael gets home, he's a beautiful sleeeping baby. No crying. No screaming. So what's the big deal? Surely it can't be that bad. I'm going to have to start hiding a video camera so he can see what I deal with. Okay, deep breath. I can do this. Let the good times roll! Haha :)


Bren said...

Oh I hope it's a short bout of colic! I don't even want to think about what that's like. Maggie was just a "cranky" baby but no colic. We would put her in the swing - on supersonic speed - and that was one of the few things to calm her down when she got into one of her "moods". Good luck!

Lea Liz said...

I've never had to deal with colic but I know that a crying/fussy baby is no fun.. hang in there girl!!!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you are having to deal with that. I pray that it is short lived and that you get some sleep. Sleep when he sleeps (even during the day). That saved me the first 2 months! Housework and such can wait!

Rose said...

My son and daughter had colic and I almost lost my mind. I found these blankets online called "Miracle blankets". Google it if you don't already have one. They were a "miracle" for us. also, give it a chance, at first they act like they don't like it but then it just magicly starts to soothe them. Good luck and remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and this too, shall pass...

KMServino said...

I'm soo sorry to hear this. I hope you get some sleep soon. I'll know who to come to in a few weeks if I have to deal with colic.

New Mommy!!! said...

How old is Davis? 4 weeks? 5 weeks? Are you breastfeeding? When my daughter Nikolina was 5-7 weeks, we went through the same thing. The doctor said it was colic too. Everyone else said it was colic. "Oh, no they said, she's got colic, you poor dear!" But, my mother said to me, why don't you just feed her every time she cries? Maybe she's not getting enough milk. I told her that I was feeding her, and she would pull away like she was full, so she must be getting enough, or she would try and eat more. How can you tell sometimes at that age?She was crying all the time, just screaming like she was in terrible pain, and would go for 45 min straight. I thought I was going to loose my mind,I was ready to try anything. So, that week, I just started feeding her, every single time she cried. Literally she was attached to my breasts all day. My husband came home and thought I sat around all day and did nothing, but she literally never left my boobs. For over a week I did this, and then, she was fine. It turns out she maybe just needed to increase my milk supply, and wasn't getting enough milk. You might want to try that. Also, I cut out ALL DAIRY and all foods that they suggested on line you shouldn't eat. It takes two weeks for dairy and some other foods to leave your system (some just a few days). Some babies are lactose intolerant. I never did feed her that milk that I pumped at that time before I cut out dairy. Nik is just about 6 months now, and I am just starting to eat a slice of cheese with sandwhiches, etc. I am going to try to slowly introduce it again. You should try monitoring your diet to see if after you eat certain things Davis is worse. The internet is your friend. I think food can stay in your milk for 4 hours. And traces of foods can linger for days, weeks. I cut out broccoli, cauliflower-makes them gassy, eggs-gassy, all dairy, all tomato based products-its acidic, strawberries-acidic, banannas (it was the only thing I ate everyday so I cut it out), onions, green peppers, wheat based products, and for some babies its chocolate. I basically ate turkey sandwhiches, fruits, and meats for months, but I I'm telling you, it started at 5 weeks, ended at 7 1/2 weeks. No one could believe she was the same baby. It wasn;t colic. People just say that bc it's easy. Make sure you have other people help out so its not just you during the crying, and get out of the house in a stroller-in the open air- so the crying isnt echoing throughout the house. Make note of when the crying is and how long it lasts. Good luck!

Annie said...

Hang in there...it really DOES get better and MUCH easier!
I will be thinking about you and hoping you all get some rest :)

The Cohen's said...

My first son had colic (and now my daughter is acting like she has it too). What worked for us is swaddling him in the "Miracle Blanket" (can be purchased online) and then giving him a paci, and swinging him in our arms back and forth really fast and SHHHHing in his ear. For some reason, he'd quit screaming. ;) It's worth a try. I think it was in "The Happiest Baby on the Block" book. It does get easier!

New Mommy!!! said...

I also agree with The Cohen's. We purchaed the Video "The Happiest Baby on the Block," We had the book, I just hadn't read it yet-Who had time?!) I had purchased a "Swaddle Me"blanket before she was born, but had not used it bc I thought she didn't like to be swaddled bc every time we swaddled her shed fuss and try and break out, but as you'ss see with the HBOTB, all babies really do want to be swaddled. It reminds them of being in the womb, pacis are good I agree as long as BreastFeeding is well in place:)You will learn the 5 S's. My husband and I copied static onto a cd It's a whole disc of Static, white noise, that also reminds them of being on the internet. We also have one of those lambs that plays white noies and the Bear that plays a Heatbeat (bc your angel hears that constantly in the womb)She was out like a light with noise, paci, and swaddle. We also used put her in a swing for sometimes hours during the day. The rocking /motion keeps them at peace and asleep. At night she always slept in her bed.

Lisa said...

Bless your heart! Hang in there, as already mentioned - this too, shall pass, and you WILL get through it. My thoughts are with you!

Ashley said...

Aeson's the SAME way! It is SO hard. I feed him every time too like someone said up there.. but it's so hard to get anything done with a baby attached to you 24/7. Do you co-sleep? I know some people are against it, and it has to be something you're totally comfortable with, but that has helped with our sleep SOOOO much. Good luck!