Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mama Needs A Break

First of all, I want to say that I am so, so very excited because I am featured blogger at SITS! For all of you that know what this site is, you know it's awesome! For those of you that don't, you should go check it out! So take a look around. Grab a cup of joe. Stay for a while! And of course, thanks for stopping by! :)

Just like any other mom out there, we absolutely love and adore our children and of course would do anything under the sun for them, but sometimes we just need a break! Of course, if I could, my break would be a long weekend in an extended stay spa, but who am I kidding! The thought is nice, anyway. I very rarely get to get out of the house by myself. We all know how hard it can be dragging the car seat in and out of the car to get where we are going. Especially if it's just to go to the grocery store to get one item. Hasn't anyone thought of drive through stores yet? Well, tonight, I finally got a small and well deserved break. Davis has been doing pretty well lately. His four hour schedule is working out well, but man, when that boy is upset, he sure lets me know! My best friend had wanted me to come meet her for a glass of wine tonight and the thought sounded oh so nice! I seriously didn't know if I was going to be able to make it at first, on the count of Davis. Michael's schedule is still absolutely nuts and I didn't exactly feel like taking Davis to the restaurant with me. I was feeding him his cereal and a five o'clock alarm starts siring in my ears. What is wrong with this kid!? I can't shovel the food in his mouth fast enough for him to eat! If there was an automatic spoon that fed him, I would buy it. Right in the middle of him eating, and me trying to get him to calm down, the most wonderful noise flooded through my ears. The garage door was opening! Yes! Michael was home! I did feel pretty bad that right when he walked through the door, he was greeted by a screaming baby and me wanting to rip my hair out. He just looked at me and said, "Go on. Get out of here. You need a break." No arguments here! I'll take it and run! Ahhh....time to myself. But what was so weird was I was actually ready to get home. Part of me was sitting there thinking how nice this is. Finally a break. Finally time alone to myself and not have to worry about diaper changes for a few hours. And then the other part of me was thinking how I couldn't wait to see him when he woke up and I could bathe him when I got home. I was also wondering if I should call and make sure he had finally calmed down, but I decided against that one. Maybe it's baby steps. I did get to enjoy myself for a few glasses of wine out with my friend...and still home in time to bathe my little monkey.


1 – 200 of 274   Newer›   Newest» said...

I got the biggest kick out of seeing your picture under Mommy's Sippy Cup! That's my daughter's sippy cup, too! hahahaha And what a beautiful baby! Yes, mama's need a break. That's just the way it is. Happy SITS day!

Jen @ After The Alter said...

Happy SITS day! Looks like a really great sippy cup you have! Someday I think it will be mine too! Enjoy your day!

Vivianne said...

Happy Sits day! Your baby is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day! I'm sure glad that I'm not the only one that is excited to hear the garage door open. Love the kids but a break is so nice. Sadly, I'm excited to grocery shop alone. Look forward to stalking your blog some more!

Jeannie, Jane, Angel, Mommy, etc.. said...

Happy SITS! I LOVE your profile pic. It is just too cute.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

Every Mommy definitely needs a break once in a while. I have a 15 month old daughter and a son who is almost 3. Getting out of the house during the winter is almost impossible. Things like trips to the grocery store help refresh me and help me remember I am a grown-up.

Twincerely,Olga said...

stopping by from SITS!!! great post!! I feel almost the exact same way about my twinkies!!!When I get away and I mean WhEn?!I miss them like crazy and talk about them so much it is crazy!!! your little guy is just soo cute!!!

Twincerely,Olga said...

forgive my manners! Happy SITS Day!!!! Woo~Hoo!!!!your blog is awesome!!

Charlene Juliani said...

Happy SITS Day...Enjoy it!! Your little monkey is adorable!

Montessori Moments said...

Happy SITS day!
I hope you enjoy every moment of it!

Mummy Kless said...

Happy SITS Day! Your baby is so adorable!!! =D I feel happy just looking at his photos!

Maria @BOREDmommy said...


Unknown said...

um... LOVE the picture you have as your header. Hilarious! I'm assuming that's YOUR sippy cup:) Congrats on your SITS day!

Jamie said...

Happy SITS day!

The Bormann Family said...

LOVE the header!! Stopping by from SITS.

The Charm of Home said...

Kids are the greatest joy in life! Your child is adorable. I have 3 boys 17,15, and 4. We had 3 miscarriages, that is why the big age spread. Treasure the sweet times. They grow out of sweet, too soon. Teenagers, well that is a whole other comment box! But, mine are good. No troubles, and honor roll. I really shouldn't ever pick on them but I do. Their teenagers!LOL
Oh, I have one of those sippy cups I pull out about once a month too;)

tristan said...

Happy SITS day! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and that little man of yours is precious!

Jennifer said...

Aww, best of both worlds! What a little cutie pie!! I'm having my first in June and I'm SO EXCITED! I hope mine is as cute as yours!! :)

happy SITS day!

Shell said...

Congrats on your day! I already follow. ;)

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Happy Day to you! Visiting from SITS to say hey! LOVE your header photo too... I have a similar sippy cup.


Lan said...

Happy SITS day! Everyone needs a day off, especially moms. Your little boy is absolutely precious though.

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Love your attitude on life! Happy SITS day.

Saving Money Living Life said...

first of all, your header and picture are hilarious and you sure are cute! Happy SITS day!
-Heather @

Brandi said...

Happy SITS Day! I love that photo above: glass of wine in one hand, adorable baby in the other. I have to say, it looks like you're doing a whole lot right.
And this music -- it's awesome.
Off to check out your site more.

Simply Mel said...

Happy SITS day! Your little one is a cutie!

A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

Congrats! Your photo is SOOOO cute. I love it and the sippy cup. (-:


Gigi said...

Congrats! The baby is so cute.Good blog.

rj's mama said...

congratulations! happy SITSday to you

hope you can visit and leave your mark on my blogs :)
my real story
my minute maid

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Great Blog and lots of fun!!!!

Clare said...

Happy SITS Day to you. I hope that you really enjoy it

InspiredDreamer said...

Hey there, happy SITS day!! Your little guy is super-adorable.

Have an Extraordinary Day!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy SITS Day! Your little Davis is a doll!

c said...

What a beautiful boy! I know how you feel. It's like you can't wait to get out the door, into a silent car, out ALONE. And then about 20 minutes later, you can't wait to see them again. Such a cycle :)

Favourite Vintage Finds said...

Happy SITS Day! What an adorable little boy you have! Best wishes, C :).

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Happy SITS Feature Day!!

Amy DM said...

Happy SITS day!

The Dapper Darling said...

Yes...the great mommy dilemma! I always feel that way too!

Unknown said...

Hey there! Saw you're featured on SITS & thought I'd check you out- I love your blog, and our babies are the same age. :) What day in August was your son born?


Emily said...

Motherhood's weird, isn't it? I'm glad you got out for awhile, and that you got home for awhile too!

Your blog looks fun. I'm glad SITS led me here! Happy day!

Raymonde said...

Happy SITS day! You sure have a cute baby. By the way you also are a Yummy Mummy. Enjoy that time, every minute is precious. Happy blogging. Regards.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day ... enjoy the spotlight. Popping in for a look and might just have to add you to my reader.

Smiling and waving from Australia,
:) Marcia

Lindsay {Designer Wife} said...

Happy SITS day!! So excited to have found your blog - can't wait to read more :)


Lynda said...

That husband sounds like a 'keeper' to me! I laughed at the photo too.. perfect!
Enjoy your SITS day in the sunshine. ... mmmm dreaming of an extended weekend at the spa....mmmm

Cheers Lulu

pixielation said...

oh, he looks so gorgeous in the bath! And I love your header picture. Just perfect.

Happy SITS day!

Quasi Serendipita said...

Such an adorable picture! Congratulations on your FB day :)

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Now I'll snoop around a bit at some of your other posts.

Rachael@Tutus and Tantrumns said...

Happy SITS day! I can so relate, I love to get out of the house every once in a while, all by myself, and once I do...I can't wait to get home! I always miss my babies!

Oh, and the whole drive through shopping thing I've been saying for ever...I'll settle for a drive through Starbucks around here (they don't have any) but if you get really desperate, Safeway delivers groceries!

This Mama Works It! said...

Happy SITS Day! Your blog is so cute, I love the pic of you and your baby. Very cute!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy SITS day!

Elizabeth Patch said...

HAPPY SITS Day! adorable baby, and that's my exact same sippy cup! (just wait until little cuddle monkey is a teenager...may need 2 sippy cups!)

Dumb Mom said...

First time is always hardest. Just like other stuff, it gets easier and more fun the more you do it. Promise! Happy SITS day:)

Sarahviz said...

Enjoy your special day! And little boys are wonderful! (I have 3!)

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

visiting from SITS, congrats on your big day! Love your sippy cup, just the right size.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Happy SITS Day!

Your lil monkey is so sweet! Congratulations!!! Motherhood is a tough gig. Wonderful, but tough too.

KimMalk said...

Congratulations on your SITS day and your little man.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! My son and I both listen for the garage door to open. Sometimes I close it right before my husband is due home just so we will hear it open.

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

Lol ... love the picture!! Too cute. So is your son!!! Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Awww....Davis is Beautiful! I LOVE your header, it's so...real. LMAO!

Congrats on being the FB today and hope you enjoy all the comment luv:)

CJ said...

Congrats on the SITS feature! Love your blog!I dropped in from SITS

Christina Lee said...

Happy SITS day!! Sometimes all you need is an hour away and it does the trick !

Anonymous said...

HAPPY SITS DAY!!! Love your header photo....really clever, and what a DARLING boy you have :-)
Congrats on being the featured blogger!!!

Louise | Italy said...

Happy SITS day! What a lovely picture you posted on Wednesday! And I must tell you I remember when I first got to go out alone after three years (two kids back-to-back) - shopping one Saturday morning. I couldn't see anything in the shops except all the gorgeous little kids (and being in Italy you make a big fuss of every kid you see) - I was almost weeping with loneliness as I boarded the bus home!

CaneWife said...

Happy SITS Day! I'm so glad you got a little break. And a glass of wine! :) What a beautiful little guy you have!

Stephanie Faris said...

Your husband sounds awesome...and your little one is adorable. I think everyone seems to go through those feelings. I've heard it over and over from friends and family.

Hope you have a great SITS day!

Mrsbear said...

Congrats on the SITS day!

No matter how cute the kid (and yours is too adorable for words) we all need a break from them on occasion. You also appreciate them more when (if) you come back. ;)

Mommies Time Out Today said...

Congrats on you SITS day! Great blog! Like you background music. Who is it? Following you now.

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

ALL moms need a break now and then! I think I could have written that exact post ;)

Happy SITS day!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Jennifer said...

Stopping by from SITS! We all need a break sometimes don't we?!

Have a great day :)

~Jenn from Blonde Ambition

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day! Your baby is adorable!

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy it!!

Ginny Marie said...

Hearing the garage door opening is the best sound for both my daughters and me! They run to the door to see Daddy, and I really need a break by the time he comes home, even if it's just to make dinner without the girls under my feet!

Congrats on being the SITS FB!

jackie fo said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Your baby is precious and I love the picture at the top with you and the baby and the wine - fabulous!

Wonderfully Chaotic said...

Happy SITS day! :)

Shelle said...

Happy SITS day to you! Glad you were able to get out for some "you" time! Your son is gorgeous!

Bethany said...

I too have a six-month-old boy who can't eat fast enough! It's so great to read a blog by someone at the same place I am. I'll definitely be following ya! Congrats on your SITS day - you deserve it!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day. congrats on your feature. I love your blog. I am off to look around and read some more. Will follow you as well.Hope you have a great day.

AmericanTribal said...

What an adorable baby!
Congratulations on your SITS Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day. Love your sippy cup ;)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Happy SITS Day! :) Your little boy is very cute. I always look forward to my "breaks" too!

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

He is so adorable! Enjoy those few and far between breaks.:) Happy SITS Day!

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

Your little monkey is adorable! It's good that you missed him, and I'm sure he missed you too. But you need a break every once in awhile just to keep your sanity. How awesome that your hubby could sense that vibe and read your mind. Sweet! Happy SITS featured blogger day! Enjoy your day in the sun.


Anonymous said...

Aww, what a sweet baby! I understand about needing a break. Totally.

Enjoy your SITS day

Jen said...

Happy SITS day!! Your little guy is precious! Enjoy your day! Congrats!!!!

Kim- In Search of Me in Mommy said...

Davis is adorable!!!!! Enjoy your day and your wine! :)

Kristen said...

Love the picture! Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your day in the spotlight! and the baby is a cutie pie! You do good work, mommy.

Dalia (Generation X Mom) said...

Congrats on your day. I know what you mean about a break now and then. Too funny, I sometimes enjoy going to the grocery store too. It is some time for peace and quiet.

Jessica said...

Happy Sits Day. I am off to browse around. Oh and your son is adorable!:)

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i had my kids 15 months a part. it was almost like having twins. i needed my sippy cup a lot. have a great sits day!

Helen said...

Beautiful blog, beautiful little monkey... and that's a pretty nice sippy cup there, too! lol

Happy SITSday!

By the way, did you know that a brand called Lolita makes wine, martini, shot, and beer glasses... and one of them is called, "Mama's (or Mom's) Sippy Cup"? It's very cute and each glass has a little recipe on the bottom, but for this one, the directions are to fill it all the way with any wine available!

Too cute not to share :)
Have a great day!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Happy SITS Day! It is nice to get a break, but I do the same thing - anxious to get home again. ;) Love your sippy cup - I have one of those, too. ;)

Vashti said...

lovely blog and ADORABLE cuddle monkey! Enjoy your SITS is so much fun.

joanyspot said...

Happy SITS Day! Your little monkey is just ADORABLE!!!

Shelley said...

Congratulations on being the featured blogger today. Your little man is absolutely gorgeous. Over from SITS. Hoping you have a great day with lots of bloggy love.

Erin said...

I love that you have red wine in one hand a baby in the other....and that you are smiling!

Happy sits day :-) I am your newest follower!

I agree with you on a few points. I would love to go to culinary school but only so that I could cook awesome grub for my own family. And I, too, am becoming my mother...and I love it. She is my best friend.

Your baby is beautiful and so is your blog!


Raine @ Mama Rants said...

Found you on SITS. You have the cutest baby. I like the "sippy cup" idea too, counting down to after the baby's born so I can enjoy mine. :)

BLOGitse said...

Happy SITS day from Cairo!

Melissa said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Such a creative title for your blog. I love it! Must be tough being a new mom and struggling with all those conflicting emotions. I don't have any kids yet, but I really think reading all these great blogs is helping to prepare me for that challenge. Thanks for sharing!

Elizabeth said...

Love your photo and the blog is fun too! Happy SITS day.

Brandie said...

Beautiful (and funny) blog! You have an adorable family. Congrats on your SITS day!

LisaDay said...

Yes! Drive-through grocery stores. My thoughts exactly. Let's start a petition.

I love the name of your blog.

Happy SITS day.


Shelley said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Your son is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS!! I organize a monthly Mom's Time Out! We usually go out for dinner and month we are getting manis and pedis! There are about 25 in our group but usuallu only have 10-15 there. It is sooooo much fun. I started out with 5 and as more invite more mommys its growing! If you are ever in Pinellas Florida you are welcome to join us!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Happy SITS day!!

Karin said...

Happy SITS Day! Your baby is absolutely adorable! Have a great day!

Mary said...

I have a sippy cup that looks just like that!!! How cool. Love your blog.

Stephanie said...

Hello! I came across your blog through SITS and just wanted to say hello and that I enjoy your blog! I am a new mom too and am having the time of my life with my little girl. Hope you have a fabulous Thursday!


Paula said...

Happy SITS Day and congrats on time to yourself! (We all deserve a break from time to time)

Susie said...

Yahoo! I am your 100th follower!

Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

Sherri said...

Happy SITS Day! Awww..the joys of motherhood. Hope your day is fabulous.

BTW, I LOVE the name of your blog:) A friend of mine gave me a cute t-shirt with that saying on it. Ha!

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Love your site. Your baby is such a cutie. He has a wonderful mommy too. Lia

Jenny said...

Good morning from SITS! And Happy SITS day! What a sweet baby you have...those big dark eyes...just precious. May I ask you how you displayed the code for your buttons for a grab and go? I can post the button and make it link but I don't know how to display the code so others can use it. If you have a moment I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Happy Feature Day! Love the name of your blog and don't worry my girls are 4 & 2 and I still love hearing the sound of my hubby coming home. And your right it is weird how when you finally get time to yourself, all you want is to come back Davis is adorable!!

bj said...

Hi, I'm bj and came by from SITS to say CONGRATULATIONS on YOUR day!! I hope you enjoy all the bloggy love coming your way, all day long!!

Your baby is so precious. When I saw your blog name, I WONDERED if your sippy cup held wine...Yep..I think it does and thats a GOOD THING! :o)
I'm linking up to follow..come by and see if you like my blog well enuf to follow me.
hugs, bj

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day. Your son is adorable!!

Jen said...

Happy SITS day! Congrats! I love you picture too!

The Whites said...

Happy SITS day! I've enjoyed reading your blog for a while. Glad to see you are featured. Enjoy your day!!

Cole said...

Happy SITS day!

I think all mommies feel the same way. We love to get out for a bit, but can't wait to rush home and see our little ones.

Laura said...

Congrats on your SITS day. Adorable baby!

Jesi said...

Davis is adorable and what a unique name! I love it!

Katie said...

Oh my, yes - I totally know what you're saying about loving your kids to pieces but NEEDING a break! And the garage door opening is also music to my ears! :) Glad you got to enjoy your few hours away and hope you enjoy your special day!


The Old White Barn said...

What a great idea - Mommies need Sippy Cups too! Why didn't someone think of this sooner! Happy SITS Day.

Shanna - My Favorite Everything said...

Love the sippy cup! And definitely give yourself the breaks!! Happy SITS day!

Candy said...

Ur little guy is so cute!! I completely agree with u and always say the same thing myself - there needs to be a mommy section of town where everything is drive thru!! healthy restaurants, a little mini drive thru target, a mini drive thru grocery store! Some moms need to collaborate and make this happen! congrats on ur SITs day!

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Happy SIts day girl!! I was just here visiting you the other day so I was so excited it was Your day woot woot. and great post I hope today I actually get a mommy break to go to the craft store and get some supplies :)

jules said...

Happy SITS day!

I think we all have those "need to get outta here days"

We call my granddaughter Monkey cute.

Shana Putnam said...

I am stopping in from SITS. I love your blog and totally understand your post. I have not spent more than 4 hours away from my son since he was born. he is 2.5 years old now. I need a break! I can't wait to read more and browse around on your blog. have a wonderful day!

Marie said...

I knew by your title that Mommy's sippy cup was going to be a glass of wine, what else would it be? ;)

Happy SITS day!

Katherine said...

Happy SITS day! Your little one is such a cutie. I especially love the picture in your Wordless Wednesday post.

Glad you got a break. We all need one once in a while. said...

So glad you got your break! Happy SiTS Day... you know that even 15 minutes of a walk was sometimes enough recharging of the battery me time for me to get back in there in a better frame of mind... glad your hubby is as sweet as mine and gives you the chance to get out for breaks!

Unknown said...

your baby is adorable! I am glad that you were able to get away for a while and know that you are not alone in wanting to call and check the moment you walk away. It doesn't get any easier, sorry to say! Congrats on being the FB today!!! enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

I have 2 under 2, with my oldest barely walking. I hate going to the store for just milk.
I always think there should be a drive thru grocery store!!!
Happy SITs day!

Dee said...

Happy SITS day! Your baby is precious and I want your sippy cup lol!

Anonymous said...

happy sits day! your baby is gorgeous and your blog is beautiful! anne

Jenn Erickson said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! What a beautiful picture of you and your little boy! He's positively adorable!

Michelle said...

Mommy breaks are always needed and so very complicated!

Congrats on your SITS day!

Danae Hudson said...

Happy SITS day!! That is one cute baby! And I love the image at the top of your blog. Amazing!!

Beth's Blog said...

Happy sits day!!

Megan said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!

Rebecca D said...

Happy SITS day! Davis is so cute... it's hard to believe you'd need a break from that, but I think I remember needing them too... I still need them, but now our girlies have their own social lives and I don't really need to make a plan before I go somewhere.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

not sure he could be any stinking cuter! i have 4 girlies...and i want a little dude so bad, but i'm guessing it's a no from hubs. anyway, happy SITS day! love your background...and your "mommy juice" as i call it. love the "mommy's sippy" good call!

Just A Normal Mom said...

Happy SITS Day!
Does that wine glass actually say Mommy's Sippy Cup on it? Because I got one of those for Christmas and I love it!
You're blog is sweet and so is that darling little boy! Don't ever feel bad for needing and taking a break. And being glad to get back home is all part of the fun!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Awww, he is so precious. Glad you had some time to yourself, it's a good thing...
Congratulations on your SITS day.
Looking forward to ready more of you.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS Day and congrats on little his name btw! And he is definitely a cutey! Glad you made it out for some wine with your gotta take breaks...not speaking from experience, I'm ttc so no baby yet...but I'm just gotta take breaks!
You were a beautiful pregnant gal...looking forward to keeping up on your adventures with Davis. Oh an btw, looove your sippy cup, that would be mine too!
Visit me at The Pursuit of Mommyness sometime!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!

I love my sippy cup, too...the best is when I have to use it before my husband even gets home! :) I had to open a bottle of wine last night for a recipe, and I thought, "Well, it's already open..."

Can't wait to read more of your blog! I'm a new mommy, too - my daughter is about the same age as your son, so it will be fun to follow along.

Jesslyn said...

Happy SITS day! Hope you get lots of comment love. You have a lovely blog and that boy of yours is adorable. Coming from such beautiful parents I'm not surprised.

Jamee said...

Your son is adorable! I keep telling everyone that motherhood is definitely the toughest yet most rewarding and awesome thing I have ever done! Love you blog!

Happy SITS day!

Working Mommy said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!! Your little man is SUPER cute!


Lori said...

Happy SITS day. Enjoy it! You will get lots and lots of bloggy love today!

Simply Stacie said...

Happy SITS Day!

Randa Derkson said...

Stopping by from SITS you have a great blog :)

Pamela Gold said...

YAY for your SITS day! Davis is very adorable. I have three boys myself. I don't even try to get time to myself anymore.... Can't wait to read more of your blog, gonna go hit "follow" now...

Annie said...

Congrats on your day!! How fun for a person that I already follow to get featured!!

YAY for some ME time :)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! Me time is definitely awesome, but your son is adorable :)

Lisa said...

Happy SITS day! You have such a beautiful baby. Isn't it great to be a mom?

Unknown said...

congrats on your sits day!

Carrie said...

that's my kind of sippy cup! HA! Love your little man... what a cutie!

Sarah and the Gentlemen said...

Happy SITS day!

Just wait until you get a whole NIGHT away. Yep, that first night is definitely NOT relaxing. It's more like separation therapy.

Emma said...

Happy SITS day! Gorgeous baby, and I love your profile pic!

TornadoTwos said...

Oh my gosh, your pic under your blog title cracked me up! Congrats on your SITS day. Your little guy is such a cutie. And as a mommy of 5, I know all too well how few and far between those nights out are, yet we cannot help but miss our kiddos when we finally get one. It's the mommy's curse.

Insanitykim said...

Your blog banner

Yes, there is a delicate balance of "me time" and not losing any precious moments with your children, but, you must have the "me time" to continue to be the best momma you can be, especially when your son starts asking you questions about his testicles and there is no wine in the house! Happy SITS day!

Patricia said...

I love your photos! they are just great! Your son is adorable by the way!!!!

Happy SITS day!

Kate said...

Happy SITS Day! Your baby is adorable!

karen@fitnessjourney said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Your baby is absolutely adorable, such beautiful eyes! Even with all that cuteness, you still need a break from time to time. That adult time is a necessity. My baby is 15 so I get plenty of free time now, but I can remember how it felt to be alone with my two children all day and craving a little girl time. You'll be a much for effective mom if you are able to get a little you time.

Maggi said...

Cutest baby ever! Congrats on being in the spotlight! Enjoy your day!

brokenteepee said...

Happy SITS Day.
Your little guy is too precious for words!

Crystal Escobar said...

Ahh, so cute! I love your blog, and think you're very sweet and such a great mom. Happy SITS day, I'm following you now :) I'll be back!

blogmom221 said...

Happy SITS Day! Love the title of your blog! We all need a break now and again!

Becki@BloggingObsession said...

LOL! I love your header!!!

Daisygirl said...

Love the title of your blog! Happy SITS day to you!!!
One of my favorite sounds is the garage door too!

MeghanM said...

Happy SITS day! Yes, we all need a break sometimes and you are fortunate to have a husband who recognizes that! Mine just says that he needs a break too!

MamaOtwins+1 said...

SOOO glad you got a few minutes to yourself - and just in time for your SITS DAY!!!
Hope taking time for you gets easier and happens just a little more often.

Unknown said...

happy sits day! i think our little ones are near the same age. i'm a first time momma too. so nice to e-meet you!

Kati Aileen said...

Happy SITS day. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Lindsay Rudolph said...

Happy SITS Day! You are so right about mommys needing breaks. It's what keeps us great moms! For example, tonight I am going to have wine and dinner with a friend. We are both new moms and we felt the need for some time out. It just has to be done. :)

Anonymous said...

You are right. Baby steps. Now that my son is two and a half, I have no problem being away from him for a few days. Doesn't mean I don't like to call and talk to him and still wonder if all his needs are being met...but the urge to finish up a dinner date and go pick him up is no longer there!

I hope you have an awesome day as FB. Enjoy all the comment love!

Leiah said...

Happy SITS day to you! And that little Davis is just scrumptious. Glad you were able to get your Mommy break. Enjoy YOUR day!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS Day

oh, your little boy is so cute, and huggable !!

Have a wonderful day

theUngourmet said...

Happy SITS Day to you! Your sweet bebe is just adorable. Mine are 13 and 8 now. I miss the baby smell! :)

Kellene Maynard said...

Awesome Post! I know exactly how you feel! I seem to have more and more of these kind of days lately. Thanks for sharing and your son is such a cutie!

Happy SITS Day!

Julia said...

Congrats on being F/B. Enjoy your day!

Gamma Sharon said...

You have to have those little breaks to be a good Mommy! Lol
Congrats on being the FB... have a great day!
And that picture of your little Monkey on your Wordless Wednesday is absolutely adorable... you have a beautiful blog and a beautiful son!

Sturgmom said...

Enjoy your SITS day!! You are cute as a button!

Joanne said...

Happy SITS day to you! Your little one is precious!

CyndeJo said...

Happy SITS day! Have a great day

Thankfully Thrifty said...

Love your pic!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!! Great blog, mama. Love your sippy cup ;) Around here we have "mommy juice" . YUM!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!! Great blog, mama. Love your sippy cup ;) Around here we have "mommy juice" . YUM!

Pam said...

Coming to you from SITS...great post and congrats on the feature blogger. It will be baby steps but in time as much as you love them, you will enjoy the time away also.

Andrea said...

Happy SITS day! I have a sippy cup just like yours!!

Have a great day!

Mommy Kennedy said...

Happy SITS Day! Congrats! Following in GFN.

~Melody @ 6 Feet Over~ said...

Just jumped over here from SITS...LOVE your blog! I totally had the same 'garage door opening' experience last night. I was invited to a girls night at my friend's and my husband was at work late...wasn't sure if I'd make it. The garage door opening never sounded so fabulous!!

Gonna check your blog out...LOVE the photo of your little one...SO adorable!


Dawn said...

Happy SITS day-enjoy!! I love the sound of my husband's car driving up the driveway-music to my ears! Glad you got out last night and got a break. Have a great day!

Tammy said...

Happy SITS day! Love your sippy cup! :) Too funny! Your little guy has the biggest beautiful eyes I have seen...adorable!

Enjoy your day. Stop by when you get a chance and say hi!

Lothiriel said...

HI!! Stopping by from SITS!

I love your profile picture. I too, am a first time mom (gave birth to my LO on October). I'm also tired and sleep deprived! Isn't motherhood amazing, though?


I've done that, where Hubby hasn't even put his computer bag down, I'm already handing him the baby and heading out myself.

Corrie Howe said...

Happy SITS day. I love the name of your blog and I love the picture which goes with it.

I have the same sippy cup. Let me tell you a little secret, you'll be using yours long after they out grow theirs. ;-)

Sara Plays House said...

Happy SITS Day!!!

Romy said...

Happy SITS Day! Without even reaidng your blog content you had me at the picture, a girl after my own heart! I am now a follower :-)

Heather said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Your baby is absolutely adorable!

I'm so glad you got a break. I think that may be one of the most important things for a child to learn from their parents - how to rejuvinate gracefully!

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