Monday, January 25, 2010

I've Come To Realize

Am I getting old? Or maybe my mind just wanders too much and I think about everything! Maybe it's having my own family and realizing things have changed, won't ever be the same as before, and I'm absolutely more than fine with that. Maybe I've been smacked across the head with a brick of reality and woken up just a tad. Who knows. But here is what I've come to realize.

Yes, this is random and in no order:

I've come to realize:
I am absolutely nothing without my family. They are my backbone and get me through the day.

My family is my life line. I may not have a large family, but what I have is close and amazing.

My son is my life.

I really, really miss my friends. I am so homesick and wish I could see my old friends more.

Let by gones be by gones. Things happen in the past. Forgive and move on. I am a new and changed person.

I love wine. Yes, love it. And I secretly wish I was an awesome wine snob. But I can pretend, right? Swirl, Sniff, Smell. I got this!

I love working out! I know I'll never have the perfect body, but I want to feel comfortable in my skin.
I really wish I could write for a living. And I mean actually get paid. Cash flow, baby!

I'm obviously addicted to blogging and never saw this coming!

I fall more and more in love with my husband and just think he's the best guy ever. He's my rock and together we roll!

I secretly would love to go to culinary school. But would hate to work in a restaurant. So, umm...

I have an amazing group of friends. Sometimes, I don't know what I would do without them.

I would give anything to back to Italy, but I want to go everywhere. I think I just want to relive my honeymoon!

I am turning into my mother

I have become organized. And I mean I have a binder with daily routine organized.

I feel chaotic without some type of schedule now.

I wish I was the Baby whisper and could read Davis' thoughts. My magic 8 ball broke.

No matter the amount of money in the world, it would never compare to having my wonderful family.

It feels so good to reconnect with old friends!!

God has truly blessed me with all that I have and for that, I am thankful.


Anonymous said...

That's a great list! It's amazing the perspective we gain with age isn't it?

Multiple personalities.. said...

I really loved reading your list, it made me smile. :-) You're so right, family is everything, and those we love are worth more than all the money in the world. You have such a positive attitude, very inspirational. Nice to meet you via SITS! said...

Stopping by from SITS - your list is great... and an excellent reflection :) I said on my SITS comment that I was looking for inspiration today and found some in your blog.

ASREEHER said...

"I have become organized. And I mean I have a binder with daily routine organized."


Annie said...

good list!!

Isn’t is scary to be turning into your mother?!? I SO am and realize it more and more each day :)

BUT, my mom is the best, so I am totally OK with it!!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

it's amazing what having babies can do to one! :o)
don't worry about ur mind wandering....hopefully it's normal..mine does it on a daily basis too!

Lindsay Rudolph said...

I can relate to a lot on that list. I bet it felt good to just get it out in writing.

Love your blog! Visiting from SITS!

The "Sippy Cup" his hilarious! When I have my glass, my daughter calls it "Mommy's juice!"

Diane @ InMyOwnStyle said...

Love the photo of your little one. Mine are all grown up- thank goodness for photos. I found you via SITS. I hope you have a nice day and get a lot of great comments and followers. I like your sippy cup!
Happy SITS day.
Diane @ InMyOwnStyle said...

How wise to realize all these things so early in life!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

What a great list you have here of things you've learned and things you are thankful for. It's good that your priority is on your family and friends over tasks and accomplishments. At least that's what came through here to me.

Congrats on your SITS day!

KimMalk said...

I guess we all grow up (most of us) and realize it's not "all about us".

CaneWife said...

What a great list!

Wonderfully Chaotic said...

What a really great list - this is a wonderful post! :)

Melissa said...

Please forgive my totally unsolicited advice, but if you ever get the chance, why not go to culinary school or take a local cooking class or two? Just because you don't want to work in a restaurant doesn't mean it wouldn't be worthwhile. I think the best things come from following your bliss. But judging from what I've read of your blog so far, you're already doing pretty good at that :)

Unsolicited advice over. Thanks for indulging me!

LisaDay said...

Family and friends. If you have that, nothing else matters. Is this 'I am happy I am turning into my mother?' or 'OMG, I am turning into my mother?'


Danielle said...

Saying Hello from Sits,, Happy Sits Day!!! Upon reading your blog I had to hunt down where you live because you remind me SO much of my awesome cousin. She too lives in Texas, and while I have no idea where Tyler is in comparison to Arlington, and I know TX is ginormous I am sending her your link and I'll send you hers cause I feel like you would be blogging buddies and potential future friends.

Meanwhile...I too did not realize how much blogging was going to become an obsession and I'm glad to have a new blog to follow in the blogosphere!


(cousin, Shannon at

Marie said...

Sounds like you have everything prioritized just right. ;)

Mrs. Match said...

Great list-love your blog! I know when it's my turn to be a momma I'll be right there with my sippy cup o' wine in hand!
I've always wanted to go to culinary school too-and then just make great food at home. Maybe you can take a class someday, when Davis is a little older.
Happy Sits day, I will definitely be back to your blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!!! I love this list of things you've realized...even when things are falling apart, things are coming together...

beenomom said...

Hi there! Stopping by from SITS on your special day! Welcome to the world of mommyhood!! It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job! Enjoy every last minute with him while he is little because it only lasts so long! Mine our 6 and 9 and time goes by faster and faster each year!

Davis is adorable by the way!

Erin said...

As we get ready to try to conceive, a lot of people keep commenting on how hard a baby is on a marriage. It is nice to hear that you and your husband are keeping the love alive.

~Melody @ 6 Feet Over~ said...

I can't tell you how many times it has hit me that I'm turning into my mother...and bits of my father, too...and not always the 'good' parts. LOL


Seizing My Day said...

You have a great writing style ... I am visiting form SITS... Happy SITS day! I am a brand new blogger... and have much to learn before my SITS day.. ha ha!
I too would LOVE to go to cooking school... but never want to 'WORK' with food! ;) Looking forward to blogging with you!

Terra Heck said...

Hello! Stopping by from SITS. With age comes experience. With experience comes wisdom. You learn what's really important in life.
I am thankful as well for what God has blessed me with, one of them being an awesome family.
Your little one is adorable!

kate said...

i love the things i am starting to realise. although i have a way to go, i love that i am starting to accept things, or feel comfortable with things, i never thought i would.

here's to red wine, writing and love. three themes we seem to share.

stopping by from SITS, as i'm sure many new visitors are.

ps: one month in italy in july. any tips?

Natalie at Mommy on Fire said...

A great list for a woman with a grateful heart! God has blessed me abundantly as well. There is not one day that goes by that I don't think Him profusely.

I love wine, too. :)

M said...

I'd love to hear more about that binder too. I'm a new mama (7 week old!) and I'm scattered all over the place! I don't even know where to begin getting organized since the baby's schedule is still pretty random. I think the binder deserves a post of its own!

Lisa said...

I have a big family and would be completely lost without them. I love your list.
Popping in from Shell's blog...