Sandbox crab, that is! (Grab your attention there?) Davis' new
crabby sandbox is here and he LOVES it! That boy did not want to get out, he was enjoying it so much! The wonderful people at
CSN Stores gave me a wonderful offer that I just could not refuse. This little crabby hold up to 300 pounds (yes, 300!) of sand!! The more, the merrier, right? Those cute little claws in the front are actually seats. How fun is that? Michael was worried about rain and ants getting in the sand, but the 'protective shell' cover secures down really well, keeping out all unwanted guests.

Davis just stayed in there and played for quite a while, shoveling sand back and forth. He even managed to bury his leg underneath, which I think I found a little more amusing than he did.

My next stop, a tree swing. All of their prices are fantastic and have all of your home shopping needs right at your fingertips! Thank you again,
Love this. My daughter has the turtle version! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I figured I'd spread the comment love to you as well.
Yes you totally got my attention with that title!
That is actually a super adorable sand box and he looks adorable playing in it! And the sand you have actually looks like fabulous sand, I think I must be getting my sand from the wrong place!
So cute!! I will have to go check out CSN! Blake needs one of those sand boxes!!
I confess, your title yelled at me from the google reader! I was all...what??? and clicked!!
This is awesome!! Look at Davis, king of the Sand!! He's so cute!! This is a fabulous big baby toy!!
Target has a super-cute crab pool, too!
Haha you got me there! Your son is soo adorable... I bet he had a alot of fun with that crab.. U
Found you on SITS! Have a blessed week!
That looks like so much fun. We have been looking for an outdoor toy for Lo to play with. This is a really good idea.
How fun!! So he doesn't try to eat the sand or anything? I think that's my only fear with Colton!
So far, he hasn't tried to eat the sand...but I'm sure it's coming!
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