He is just getting so big! I know I say this all the time, but I just can't stand it. It's so hard knowing that he won't be a little baby like this for much longer. He fell asleep in my arms yesterday, and I just wanted to keep him there like that forever....but then my arm started to cramp and I gave in.
My little happy baby!

This is my old little piano from when I was little. My dad got it out of the attic for Davis to bang on and had such a good time. He loved it! It was so cute watching him get excited when he realized he was the one making the noise.

Piano Lessons :)

Ohmygosh--how sweet are these pictures?!
And that's awesome that was your old piano! Seriously--I wish my parents had saved some of my old toys.
ps-totally get the wanting them to stay babies forever. I can't believe how fast time flies...xoxo
He's really cute! It does go too fast. Mine are 2 and 3 now and I wonder were that first year went.
Aww... what a darling!! : ) How old is he?
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