Thursday, December 29, 2011

Santa Came!

Being that it has been the holidays, this will be several days crammed into one post. But I'm sure you don't mind, so I'll cram away!
What are the holidays without being silly? Tis the season, to be be jolly, right?! So I bought Michael, Davis, and I matching pajamas. Yes, that's right. We all got footie pj's with the flap on the butt, and our names. Well, actually, they said- Mama Cortez, Dada Cortez, and Lil Britches.

Why do I have my jacket on, you say? I had to do some last minute grocery shopping! Of course! I only got about 20 funny looks, and it was pretty awesome! But never fear, I made Michael wear his to shine in public as well! It was sheer greatness!

I couldn't leave Santa left out, so I had to give him some love!

Nothing beats getting all dressed up and going to a Christmas party. I actually wish we had had more to go to. I do have more dresses to wear, people!

We had a lot of fun, ate too much, had some drinks, and still managed to go home before the sitter was supposed to leave. I'm so lame!
Davis was really excited to leave cookies out for Santa this year. I know he still didn't understand at all why he was leaving a plate of cookies out and he wasn't allowed to eat them. Maybe next year. But he did bring the plate like a big boy to the table and didn't ask any questions. I checked my pulse!

Davis was a little spoiled this year and I have to say, I was pretty excited about it. He has had no new toys to play with since everything is boxed up. So new 'big boy toys' are everywhere! This face just says it all!

He was screaming YAY over and over. Absolutely priceless!!

I hope everyone had an amazing and blessed Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Time Is Here

Jolly Holly! Fa lalala! Ho, Ho, Ho! Christmas time is here! Can you tell I'm just a little excited? I may be 25 (haha) but Christmas still seems so magical to me. It is by far my favorite holiday of the year. Family is all gathered together for days at a time, instead of one meal and it's done. Christmas, you can celebrate all month long with so many activities to do. If baking didn't have so many calories, I would be baking something everyday! I'm sure Michael wouldn't argue with that, either.

Seeing as how this week is the big week, I will probably be a little out of commission. Last minute wrapping, gift shopping, and traveling take precedence this week. I was really wanting to go on a family outing and look at lights last night, and was really looking forward to it. I bundled Davis up in so many clothes, all you could see what the poor kid's cheeks! We listened to carols in the car and I was all kinds of pumped for an 8 mile tour of lights! Davis is really into lights this year, so I just knew he would love it. We drive out of the city, for about 35 minutes, and arrive at our destination. Uh, a factory?? We were at a factory! Okay, yes, there were spot lights outside, but they didn't even have a strobe light going, so didn't resemble anything worth looking at. I put the exact address that was online and it brought me to a place that looked liked a crime scene in the middle of no where. That was our exciting Christmas light outing. We got back home and one balcony was lit up, so I pointed out the amazing light display to Davis! Wooooooowwwwwwww!

I'm pretty sure something tells me that Davis will like opening presents this year... This was after the box had been opened for .5 seconds. Too bad there isn't a contest for toddlers!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pho, Fo Sho!

Tis the season for snotty nose kids and wonderful colds. My poor little Davis hasn't been feeling well since last week, but I think is starting to slowly get back to his normal little self. Thank goodness it wasn't the flu, just a crazy bad cold that I thought was turning into a respiratory infection. Awful cough that makes him sound like an old man, nose flowing like a faucet, and eyes so puffy and watery just sitting still. But even though he was feeling that good, mama to the rescue to take advantage of the situation. Yes, take advantage. Davis is not one to cuddle. At all! When he is sick, that seems like what he wants to do the majority of the time. And I LOVE it! We laid in his bed and read books for longer than normal. Did a hand puppet show on the wall. And he just laid on my chest for an hour. AN HOUR! That hasn't happened since he was a newborn. I can't explain how much I loved that. Well, even though it was late at night for that one and I was also half asleep, I loved every second of it.

Davis' eating has also slowed down to a halt since he's been sick. Even his teachers commented that the Hoover vacuum was off the past few days. He normally eats like a line backer, so for him to not have an appetite is quite weird. You know the child is sick! One morning, I tried his favorite, banana. No! Cereal. No! Oatmeal. Oh, heck no! Tomato soup? Yes! Tomato soup it was at 9:00 in the morning. Whatever works! That night, Michael and I were going to have Pho for dinner and give Davis the rest of the chicken spaghetti, which he normally loves! If you have never had pho before, you absolutely MUST try it. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup, usually served with beef (phở bò) or chicken (phở gà).[1] The soup includes noodles made from rice and is often served with Vietnamese basil, mint leaves, lime, and bean sprouts that are added to the soup by the person who is dining. (I totally sounded like I knew what I was talking about right there, huh? Thank you wikipedia!)
Anyhow, no spaghetti for Davis. What is going on with this child?! He does love broth, so as you can imagine, Pho it was for him.
I'm sure he's wondering why in the world we were using sticks in our soup! So, we said just pick it up and drink it, buddy!
Oh, yeah! Much better! It was so cute watching him try something new. Needless to say, he ate just about all of mine. Or drank it, rather. Next time, he's getting his own Pho, fo sho!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pinterest Made Me Drink

Are you on pinterest? If you're not, be ready to be addicted. If you are, then you already know that pinterest is the devil, and it's like trying to give up crack. Okay, maybe not that far, but you get the point. I can waste way too much time on there, pinning things that I know I'll never make, never have in my home, and never be able to figure out that dang hairstyle. But I do it anyway, because hey, a girl can dream!

My craft list on pinterest is growing by the minute on there. I would have to have a barn to fill with the things I'm supposedly going to make! Since we are still in the apartment, I don't exactly have enough space to fill for the pins I'm pinning. So, half of them are going to have to wait until next year.

HOWEVER, I actually made my first pinterest DIY! Yes, people, it happened. I drank my way to my craft! I know, I know. Me? Drink? Well, if my banner and title of my blog doesn't give it away, then I don't know what to tell you. Mama likes a good glass of wine. So, pinterest+wine bottle+crafty stuff=amazing! One night, I decided to go on a drinking binge for the sake of pinterest, and downed about 10 bottles of wine. Please call Betty Ford and have me admitted. Just kidding, I spread the 10 over two nights, so we're good now. (again, kidding...maybe) Have you seen the salt wine bottles for Christmas? Too cute! So I made some. I actually made my friend come over and do some with me. She's a crafty nerd too, so it was pretty fun!

Seeing as how I left my sms card in the car and it's only 29 degrees outside, I took some quick pics with my phone. So you won't be able to see my amazing photog skills right now...because mama is lazy and doesn't want to get out in the cold!

Pretty, right? If you don't think so, just don't tell me. But it was super easy! Just pick out the color of spray paint you want, rub on some mod podge glue, and sprinkle epsom or sea salt! Voila! Homemade Christmas decoration that you drank your way to! Haha :)

What have you made? I'm on a mission to make a wreath, now. We'll see how that turns out. Don't worry, it's not a wine bottle wreath or anything! Wait! I can make a cork wreath! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

White Girls On Facebook

**I took this from Fribromy-Awesome and absolutely had to share. So funny!!! And be sure to check out her blog!**

15 Things White Girls Love To Do on Facebook

1. Take pictures of their feet.

2. Express their extreme annoyance at this work day today and hint that it deserves a much needed alcoholic beverage at the end of it. WINK WINK.

3. Thank their hubby for being the best hubby in the world while their hubby is sitting right next to them.

4. Complain about bad service at restaurants. “Never eating at Applebee’s AGAIN!”

5. Express their extreme excitement to see their best friends tonight, Brintney, Whitney, and Sarah!!! Love YOU GIRLS!!

6. Take pictures wearing a lot of makeup and looking really preppy while simultaneously making a “hard” facial expression and holding up what they consider to be a gangster sign. Potential caption: ‘Straight thuggin.’

7. Take pictures of undeserving food

8. Make their status the song lyrics of any Kings of Leon Song.

9. Take a picture of someone they deem inferior to themselves in some way with the question: Really?

10. Write angry letters to companies (Dear EZ PARK, I hate you!), unorganized groups of people (Dear slutty freshmen who think that leggings can be worn as pants..), and non-entities (Dear unseasonably cold weather, WTF?!)

11. Subtly yell at no one in particular while being very specific. “Wow, it’s hard to believe that you think you know someone and then they turn around and STAB YOU IN THE BACK. Will never make that mistake again. EVER.”

12. Document exceedingly mundane activites for the day. “Getting my oil changed today. Then getting much needed groceries. Then it’s off to the post office to mail some bills. Then stopping by the gyno. Will probably need some gas by the end, so I may stop at the gas station. But I might be tired so I’ll probably just get it in the morning on my way to pick up a prescription. But if I’m not very tired I’ll probably just get the gas on the way home. Again, unless I am tired.”

13. Express their distaste for facebook on facebook and threaten to leave facebook to their facebook friends.

14. Ask seemingly rhetorical questions. “It’s cool to do a bunch of meth and babysit 20 six year olds, right?”

15. Write a status in another language. Parce que, Je suis tres intelligente!!

I had to steal this and post it because, well, it's hysterical. You know half (including me) are guilty of most, if not all of them. And if you've seen this already reposted on facebook, well then you just read it again! If only I could tag certain people to this!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tacky Sweater-Not Wordless Wednesday

Last night was a tacky sweater party, cookie exchange contest. I do not own a beyond awful tacky sweater, and I'm pretty sure (well, here's to hoping) that my mom got rid of her shoulder padded, librarian Christmas tree awesomeness of a sweater. (Don't worry, mom. Some are still long as they aren't flashing!) I didn't have time to go to thrift stores or anything, so I had to makeshift a sweater.

Now, I know what you're thinking! Where can I get amazing earrings like that? Grab some off your tree and no one will know. Okay, a few will know. Some girls actually thought they were store bought earrings. With ornament hooks on them??? Well, they worked! I wrapped Christmas tree ribbon in my hair and was rocking!!! Heck, yes, people! My sweater was a little bare, but hey, last minute. The toy solider scares me with his eyes rolling in the back of his head, and thought that would be perfect. I also added a beautiful wooden rocking horse, probably dating back to the late '70s. Sadly, I didn't have any more safety pins, or I would have been covered and gone overboard! It would have been awesome!!

I also had the pleasure of being a cookie judge. Now, this is hard work, people. When there are 12 different kinds of cookies and only a little room in your stomach after your have already picked at every food there, this can be a challenge. Not to mention some of the cookies scared me by appearance, so they weren't even entered. I do have to say that I took a bite of a few, and had to slyly spit them out in a napkin when no one was looking. Some sort of cheese biscuit with raisin concoction was not flying with me. Where do you even come up with that, anyway?! So, I'm stuffed and merry at the end of the night.

At the end of the night, I am left with two thoughts:
1. I now know what Ms. Piggy feels like. Please roll me out the door.
2. Am I going to have to get a tetanus shot for sticking ornaments in my ear? I think my head is starting to hurt!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Conversation With A Two Year Old

I've been trying to prepare Davis to go see Santa and take pictures this year. Like most kids, Davis does NOT like Santa quite yet. Well, he actually doesn't like anything or anyone that is dressed in any sort of costume. A giant dog could hand over a brand new firetruck and Davis would still be deathly afraid and run away. So, every day we talk about Santa. Santa says, "HO, HO, HO" and of course the talk about you have to be good! He doesn't fully understand the being good part. Really wish he would understand that Santa will bring him a bag of coal if he is bad!
Me: Davis, what does Santa say?
Davis: HO, HO, HO
Me: Davis, we are going to go take pictures today with Santa! Aren't you excited?
Davis: HO
Me: Remember? You have to be a good boy and Santa will bring you treats and presents for underneath the tree. What are you going to tell him you want?
Me: Okay, let's practice. Repeat after me. Santa. I want a new choo choo
Davis: (Repeated after every word)

I'll get this boy dressed and ready to go today, but something tells me the big jolly, happiest man in the world will bring my sweet boy to tears. Stay tuned :)

Conversation part 2:
Me: Davis, it's so cold outside today. Want to go to the mall and play for a while on the playground?
Davis: Yes, play!
Me: Do you want to go to the mall?
Me: You are so my child. Someday, a lucky girl is going to love that you love the mall. Let's go my little sidekick.
Me: Okay, Okay. We are going. Too bad I wasn't going to get my shop on.

Conversation Part 3
Me: Davis, we need to run to Target real quick
Davis: BABANAS!!!!!! BABANAS, MAMA!!!!
Me: Yeah, baby. We need to go get you more bananas.
Davis: Yay, babanas!

Davis: (looking up at my proudly) I helper, mama. I, helper!

Davis is starting to talk more and more, and it has to be the cutest thing ever. I love you, little man!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

He's Making A Run For It

As soon as we got back to Tulsa, Davis is ready to go back to Dallas. I think he gets a little attached to the grandparents and the 100% attention. It's really cute watching them together. Well, I think he's trying to tell me something.

In and out. Suitcase open and shut, over and over. It really was quite humorous to watch.

So, you think he's trying to tell me to just ship him on back? He may get a little stuffy in there!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm Still In A Food Coma

I don't know about you, but I had a wonderful, very filling Thanksgiving. I was stuffed just like the turkey, and needed to be rolled out the door like the pumpkin log. Along with many reasons why I'm thankful this year, I'm am especially thankful just to be together for Thanksgiving. I absolutely love sitting around together playing cards, talking, and simply just being together. Building memories is so important to me, even more so that we all have Davis in our lives. I want him to know the importance of family, and to be thankful that we are all so close.

I didn't take too many pictures this year, but good some pretty (awful) shots that I would love to share with you.

Me and my lovie. Shortly after this was taken, we were put into a turkey coma, and weren't heard from until the next day.

Now, the holidays wouldn't be the same without the best pictures taken. Ever. I think I may blow this one up and put it over my fireplace. It's a classic. Speaking of fireplaces...
Strike a pose, people!

Now for a quick photo story by Davis...

Gigi, I don't know what in the world you put on that plate. It looks very colorful, but do you really expect me to eat it? Come on, lady! Sheesh. I'll just sit here on your lap and look cute. That is my only job, you know.

Wait for it. Wait for it. Gigi, I think you may be on to something here. I do believe my taste buds just got a little excited. Holy jalepeno! That's good stuff! Feed me, Seymore!!

Please do not tease me with tasty morsels right in front of my face. I will eat them, for I am Hoover Baby! No food will go uneaten when I am around. Family, beware! There shall be no Thanksgiving leftovers when I am around!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Partay Time

I only wish this was a review or giveaway, but I have to say sorry. It is not. BUT, if you like what you see enough like I do, then you have to check my friend out. I love, love my amazing friend Danielle, and she has KILLER talent. What am I talking about? The girl decided to pick up a needle and thread one day and it resulted in something HUGE! Miss Wyoming USA 2011 just won the title wearing Danielle's dress. Whew. Talent, people. Talent. I am over the moon excited that my friend is making me a custom dress for the holidays.

Check out some of her custom designs!

Just a little ahhhhmazing, right?? If you want a one of a kind, custom made dress, you HAVE to check her out. Trust me when I say that she will not steer you wrong.

What is my dress going to look like? Well, I can't give that away yet. And besides, since I trust her, I pretty much told her just go for it. I looked at pictures and gave her colors I want. Easy peasy. Don't worry. When I get my dress in, I will of course have to post pictures for you!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Yoga Tantrum

Just when I thought that Davis' tantrums couldn't possibly get more interesting, I present to you the YOGA TANTRUM. This consists of Davis starting out in push up position on the floor, then bringing his legs up in the air. We finish out in an up air, downward dog, against the wall or cabinet, whatever is behind him. This is very serious stuff. Yoga tantrums are not to be made fun of. So if you experience one, do not laugh. They are practiced in temples by the master Yogi's. While I am very impressed with Davis' mad skills, I am wondering if I can have him become a Yogi himself. At least these tantrums will make me some dough.

Have a great weekend, everyone

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Talk To Us Tuesday-What The...

Oh Dear Mother Nature,

I have come to the conclusion that you are completely wasted lately, and I would really appreciate you putting the bottle down. I hope you realize that you have been drunk lately in Okla freakin homa, and not California. I knew that when we moved here, we may experience some Wizard of Oz type weather, along with feeling like I'm in the North Pole, but earthquakes were not in that scenario.

Now, within the last 3 days, we have experienced 4 earthquakes. One being a 5.6 on the scale, which brings it to the biggest Oklahoma has ever had. Umm...yeah. Biggest, ever. Bottle down, lady! Then another last night at a 4.6. I talked with a girlfriend yesterday that lives in California, and she's not even having this much fun!

So, what was I doing when I got to experience the big one? It was Saturday night, so what else would I be doing? Plus, it was day light extra hour! I was out throwing down, of course! Getting my drink on with my girlfriend. Sheesh! Okay, fine. I was in my sweat pants on the couch, watching tv. (You know you're getting older when you look forward to more sleep and not more drinking) So, we are sitting there, and the couch is moving. And I don't mean fairly shaking from some bass downstairs, but like I put a quarter in the couch..shaking! We didn't know what to do. Aren't we supposed to stand in a doorway or something? I think I saw that on a movie when I was little. I think that's what we do. Should we google it? Crap! Let's just stare at each other instead. So, that's what we did. We stared at each other, freaking out, until it was over. We would do well together in a disaster situation.

So, this being said Mother Nature, please sober up soon. I think everyone here would really, really, realllllllllly appreciate it! Sheesh, lady. Now you're stirring up tornadoes here. Make up your mind.

Monday, November 7, 2011

This Time Last Year

I came across some pictures this morning, and couldn't resist posting. Crazy how much Davis has changed in just one year. That little baby face is slowly starting to change into a little boy. And his mouth now a mouth full of chompers. His little belly is starting to stretch out as he's getting taller. But his cute little smile is still as precious as ever.

Davis, just the other day, mischievous as ever with his abuelo. He reminds me of Dennis the Menace. Always has something going on in that little head of his.

I love you little man. Crazy screams, (like now, haha) amazing giggles, and everything in between. I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pumpkin Time-Week In Review

Since I haven't been able to post a blog all week, I am going to bombard this one with pictures from Halloween, pumpkin patch, and of course...costume pictures!! If you aren't family, then you won't really care to see these. So I won't get offended if you turn around now. Ready? Picture overload ready to commense.

Boo Haha Parade and Trick or Treating

If this had a thought cloud, I think Davis would be saying, "Mama, why do you have to torture me like this. People are looking at me."

Lunch time with my two favorite guys in the whole world.

And my monkey riding a pony. And the girl pulling the pony checking out my husband.

First time getting all of the ooey, gooey, pumpkin seeds out. Of course Davis tries to eat them.

And realizes it is pretty disgusting. Ummm....yeah. I tried to warn ya!

But then he goes in for more. Oh, son, you are stubborn.

Going in elbow deep!

Pumpkin Patch!!
Giddy up, horsey!

I didn't have time to crop these, but he rode that little tractor everywhere!!

And 'drove' a tractor just like his Gramps!

Davis Brown

He couldn't quite understand why he couldn't pick them up. But he sure tried, and rolled them all over the place.

Have a great day, everyone!