So, the esthetician in me wanted to write a post about everyones baggage. I know it's no fun. And who wants to rely on the needle to fix your problem? UGGGGG!! and OUCH! If you are like me, you may be a little puffy around the eyes, so I wanted to give everyone some quick at home tips you can do to try and help alleviate some of it.
1) Cucumbers: Have you ever seen the relaxing spa ads where cucumbers are placed on the eyes? This actually works. Cucumbers are a well-known remedy for puffy eyes, and this home remedy is still considered one of the most effective ways to make tired eyes appear awake and bright. Cucumbers have a high water content, and an ice-cold cucumber can greatly reduce under eye swelling. Cut cold cucumbers into thick slices. Find a place to relax, put your head back, and unwind with a slice over each eye for about ten minutes, or until the cucumber becomes warm. You can just pretend you are in a spa.

4) Strawberries: strawberries naturally contain alpha-hydroxy, and this naturally occurring ingredient is great for making skin smoother and younger looking. Alpha-hydroxy is found in many expensive facial creams, but you can get the benefits without the expense by using this home remedy for reducing under eye puffiness. To reduce under eye puffiness and make tired eyes appear brighter, remove the tops from large, fresh, refrigerated strawberries, and slice them about 1/8 of an inch thick. While relaxing with your head back, place the cold strawberry slices under your eyes, and allow them to remain there for several minutes. After removing the strawberries, wash and moisturize your face as usual.

5) Milk: Milk does the body good, right? Well, it's also great for your skin! Cold milk tastes great with a big slice of rich chocolate cake, but cold milk is also great for tired, puffy eyes. If you're looking exceptionally tired these days, try a milk treatment that will soothe and relax your eyes. Pour ice cold milk into a shallow bowl, and toss in a couple of large cotton balls. Find a place to lie down, place a towel beneath your head, and with eyes tightly closed, place milk-soaked cotton balls over your eyes. After ten or fifteen minutes, wash, dry, and moisturize your face as usual.
6) Ahhh Coffee: Dip a cotton pad in brewed espresso (or any extra strong coffee) and press it beneath your eyes. It will eliminate all the darkness and puff. This works because caffeine is a vasoconstrictor which means that is shrinks blood vessels and minimizes dark circles. Its diuretic effect also helps reduce swelling. Some eye creams have this as an ingredient because of it.

7) Tea: Traditionally, people have used black tea bags or green tea bags. These teas contain tannins, a natural astringent which constricts blood vessels and pulls the skin taut. However, some sources recommend using herbal teas. Herbal teas that do not contain tannins may not constrict blood vessels or reduce swelling, but they can soothe redness and irritation, reducing inflammation. (Just don't do like I did and use a raspberry tea. My face was pink for several hours and of course we had plans!)
Gosh I am so thankful for these. I'm lookin' a bit tired and ragged over here! Just in time for the weekend! Yay!
Oh, good!!! Stuff you can do at home are always the best :)
Love it!! I haven't heard of a lot of these--you rock honey!
My under eye bags could smuggle in a family of four. I'm always interested in things you can try at home. Great post.
I've heard of a lot of these. Thankfully I don't have those bags.......yet.
I love me some cucumber! I am actually doing a product review on a Clinique product for that very issue right now...Ill let you know how it works!
I had no idea about coffee!
Ah, what women will do. Hemmoroid cream. I am giggling at your expense. Giggle, giggle.
Thank you for following me.
love this! and your blog! Im a new follower!
I have heard of the hemmorrhoid cream trick before. Since my bitty one called me a butthead the other day, I guess I use this too much! Love all the other tips too! Now if you could just come up with a cream that you apply for fat. That would be right up my alley!
Thanks for visiting and turning me onto your blog! Love it!
ooohhhh...! THANKS A LOT FOR THESE!!! I wanted to something for my eyes!! I had been using this cream from Clinique, but it's kind of expensive.
thanks for this post! i never knew about that about strawberries - i'll have to test these!
and i have the same exact sippy cup as you lol :)
I just discovered your blog from a link on Natalie's Mommy of a Monster! I know this is an older post, but you've got a lot of great info here that I can't wait to try....send those bags packin'!
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